Items: (11 entries) Items[0] Bounds: x1=1, y1=0, x2=317, y2=287 Type: 0 Info: ÿ Items[1] Bounds: x1=61, y1=9, x2=247, y2=25 Type: -120 Info: Mystery Box Version 1.01 Items[2] Bounds: x1=40, y1=32, x2=256, y2=48 Type: -120 Info: Programmed in Consulair Mac C Items[3] Bounds: x1=128, y1=64, x2=160, y2=80 Type: -120 Info: by Items[4] Bounds: x1=97, y1=83, x2=193, y2=99 Type: -120 Info: Keith Lambert Items[5] Bounds: x1=100, y1=104, x2=188, y2=120 Type: -120 Info: July 4, 1986 Items[6] Bounds: x1=240, y1=80, x2=272, y2=112 Type: -96 Info: } Items[7] Bounds: x1=63, y1=128, x2=231, y2=144 Type: -120 Info: This Game is Shareware. Items[8] Bounds: x1=16, y1=152, x2=304, y2=184 Type: -120 Info: If you like it, Please send any comments you may have along with $5.00 to me at... Items[9] Bounds: x1=48, y1=192, x2=280, y2=240 Type: -120 Info: 3433 Marathon Drive San Diego, California 92123 {CIS-75076,34} {GENIE-K.Lambert} Items[10] Bounds: x1=72, y1=248, x2=233, y2=266 Type: -120 Info: Thank You Very Much !